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Gibran Ramos, ND, LAc


Dr. Gibran Ramos
Naturopathic Doctor, and Licensed Acupuncturist

Dr. Gibran Ramos, Naturopathic Doctor, and Licensed Acupuncturist. If you have spent many months or even years going to various medical specialist appointments, many bleary-eyed late-night hours searching the corners of the internet, yet feeling just as lethargic, in pain, and lost as you have for the last decade, then let me help guide you back to health.

I began my interest in natural medicine with my experience of growing up in the wilds of Alaska and the natural beauty of the wind and water of Hawaii. I saw how powerful forces of nature transformed the land and helped people heal.

From a young age, my mom struggled with debilitating migraines, multiple chemical sensitivities, and chronic fatigue. I witnessed her confusing journey of going to neurologists, surgeons, and allergists, yet finding no answers. Finally, a holistic physician brought her confounding and seemingly disparate problems together and prescribed time in the natural world and remedies from it to help her heal. It was not a quick, instantaneous transformation, but rather a realization for her, for us, of what life without dis-ease could be like. We could finally go to a restaurant without bringing a list of many different foods to avoid. We were a whole healthy family again.

Out of that experience, I discovered that I wanted to help people with the medical issues that they were struggling with. When I was younger, the only holistic practitioners I knew of were acupuncturists and chiropractors. When I discovered naturopathic medicine, I found many ways of healing in a single profession: The combination of western scientific medical inquiry with the benefits and strengths of the natural processes.

For me, for my practice, and for my patients, naturopathic medicine is this power of healing through harmonizing with the external natural world and unleashing that which is our natural internal strength.

What gets me up and out of bed in the mornings is me looking forward to helping as many people as possible. I smile when people discover how the natural world and our body’s natural processes are interconnected and can help us heal. I love teaching people how to change their lives to change their health.

If you’re ready to find answers to complex health problems and want to learn how you can help you heal, then give me, your natural medicine guide, a call today to schedule.


Some of the conditions Dr. Gibran Ramos treats: 

  • Chronic and Acute Pain: Back pain, Neck pain, Headaches, Knee pain, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Shoulder Pain, Arthritis, Plantar fasciitis, Jaw pain, Shingles, sprains/strains, acute sports injuries, auto accident injury pain

  • Fatigue, Low energy, Chronic fatigue, Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia

  • Women’s Health and Fertility: Hormone imbalance, Menopause, Hot flashes, Irregular menstruation, Painful Menses, Heavy menses, PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS, Osteoporosis, Chronic Yeast infections, Fibroids, Urinary tract infections
  • Men’s Health: Low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, low energy, low motivation, BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

  • Hormone and Endocrine Disorders: Thyroid dysfunction, Hashimoto’s, Diabetes, Infertility, Chronic fatigue, Adrenal dysfunction, Addison’s disease, Cushing disease, Conn’s syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Pituitary dysfunction, Acromegaly, Prolactinomas, Healthy Weight

  • Holistic and Integrative Fertility support: for both men and women. 

  • Immune and Autoimmune conditions: Food sensitivities and allergy testing, Rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Multiple sclerosis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Inflammatory bowel disease, frequent colds/flus, Pernicious anemia/atrophic gastritis

  • Skin conditions: Acne (teens and adults), Psoriasis, Hidradenitis suppurativa, chronic skin infections, hives, vitiligo, shingles


Treatment Modalities offered by Dr. Gibran Ramos:

 Naturopathic Medicine includes nutritional counseling, lifestyle counseling, Western botanical medicine, vitamins/minerals, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, Endobiogenic hormone balancing, full spinal manipulation, hydrotherapy, flower essence therapy

Chinese Medicine includes Chinese herbs, five-element acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, Tuina Chinese style massage. 

We believe Dr. Ramos' expertise will be a great contribution to the health and well-being of our Pohala community. 


Call or email Pohala today at or (503) 572-4196.


Pohala Clinic PC
7477 SE 52nd Ave
Portland, OR 97206
Phone: 503-572-4196
Fax: 833-989-2525

Office Hours

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